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The HUGE Avtoros Shaman 8x8 | Top Gear Series 24 | BBC

The HUGE Avtoros Shaman 8×8 | Top Gear Series 24 | BBC

Matt LeBlanc takes the HUGE Avtoros Shaman for a ride! Subscribe to Top Gear for more videos: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToTopGear

Taken from Top Gear: Series 24

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44 thoughts on “The HUGE Avtoros Shaman 8×8 | Top Gear Series 24 | BBC

  1. Don't like this new top gear at this point after the old ones left and these guys came I stopped watching it it sucks now pretty much cringe and they dont have the team just 1 so I stopped if anyone decides to say the old ones were stupid your not a true top gear

  2. No hate at all to the new guys, they bring their own things, but after binge watching a bunch of old TG episodes, this one just seems so dry. The only thing I even exhale-laughed at was the old lady filming on her ipad.
    With the original crew, this would have been so funny I'd be laughing about it for weeks.

  3. this really show the diffen on the new vs the old. the old crew " can it bulldoze a house hmm let try". THE new crew "let get the most badass off road car and drive it on a road ye r"

  4. Here we go again with the obsessed Top gear fans, like guys, it's a 8 wheeler car, you shouldn't care who's taking about

    Losers probably can't live a day without injecting videos of Hammond into their veins lol

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