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Opel Ampera battery degradation - how to recover capacity and what's the cost of battery replacement

Opel Ampera battery degradation – how to recover capacity and what's the cost of battery replacement

Opel Ampera, Vauxhall Ampera or Chevrolet Volt are EVs with probably most durable and reliable battery pack. In this video I will …

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33 thoughts on “Opel Ampera battery degradation – how to recover capacity and what's the cost of battery replacement

  1. Hello, can you give me information about recuperating of battery. For example if you drive on highway with 100-110 km/h how many km or time you have to drive to fill the electric battery back to full?
    Thanks and great work 👍

  2. Hi there. Recently i bought a 2013 ampera. Yesterday i fully charged it and so far i've done 32.6 km using 5.4 kWh. It was majorlly on highway at about 100/110 kmh. Are this numbers ok concerning the battery usage and battery capacity? Greetings from Portugal.

  3. Tak się zastanawiam nad kupnem ampery tu w UK tylko pytanie co jesli bym chciał jechać do PL kilka razy w roku bo po miescie i do pracy to ok ale jak to sie sprawuje w dłuższej trasie

  4. Why didn't you try with almost full discharge? You need to pull out whole fuel in tank. so when Ampera try to start generator with no fuel, Ampera will switch to electric and use more energy from battery.

  5. So, did you get more capacity in the long run??Today I tried the switch method (Mountain / Normalmode) and have about the same values in MyVoltCapacity before and after as you have.
    To me it doesn't matter that much, I hardly drive the car anymore (Bicycle, walk or the bus to work) but it annoys my that GM "stole" 1 kWh…. 🙂

  6. i had a battery replaced of my ampere 2012 with only 120k on it at the time. took almost a year to get a battery from GM me driving the thing on petrol that time. No upgraded battery but just the same. ok with that but a year to wait is crazy so think twice. Seems a temperature sensor in the battery did break causing it to malfunction and didn't allow it to charge. As explained to me the sensor was build within the package and couldn't be replaced so the whole battery pack needed to be replaced. As Opel has been sold to PSA group that doesn't helped my case either. In General about the car. would like to have faster charging possible and twice the e-range. That would make this principle ideal and not consuming all battery resources as with a E-only car does.

  7. Nooooooooo! The battery does not change! You are not going to increase real range!

    You are tricking the calculator, and saying him "hey my wheels have been traveling 150km with one charge" (without weight, air, etc) and he says: "yes if you can do It yesterday, you can do It today" and no.

    Next time you use the car will travel same km as after.

  8. Looking at a cell voltages display , looks like there's some imbalances among your cells, do you know or the BMS uses active balancing? I am living in the Philippines but have a volt in Holland.

  9. With mine Ampera (2013 model) with 200.000 km, I get like 9.9-10.4 kWh of used battery when empty. And I think that was after softwar update by Opel in previous revision a few months before, so I think that soft update didn't change battery metrics.

    On other side that soft update changed the way accelertor actuates some times. Some peiple claimed return to previous version. But that is another history 🙂

  10. Kamil, planuje kupić ampere z 2012 bądź 2013. Boję się jednak ze trafię na zdechła baterie. Oglądałem też twój filmik a oropos wilgoci przez którą auto nie przeskakuje na silnik spalinowy. Trochę mnie to martwi bo mieszkam w kraju w którym wysoka wilgotność jest na porządku dziennym. Masz jakieś tipy którymi mógłbym się posłużyć kupując ampere?

  11. Dzięki. Za wszystkie informacje. Bardzo ciekawe video. Ja od 4 lat jeżdżę Leaf em i zastanawiałem się kiedyś nad zakupem ampery ale ze względu na pojemność bagażnika i mogę pomieścić tylko 4 osoby. Co do degradacji w Leafie to udało mi się podbić z SOH 92% do 100% ale teraz po przejechaniu ponad 60k mil spadło do 85%. Jestem pod wrażeniem jak to jest w Amperze.pozdrawiam

  12. Helpful, Kamil! In my 2013 Volt, my kWh went from 10.5 to 9.4 after the software update, and I still get occasional "propulsion reduced" messages. No worries, however. There is a workaround. Drive the car but hold about 5 miles/kms left in battery and switch to Hold if you have to stop and restart before getting home to charge. This method does not allow the battery to fully discharge and prevents the dreaded "propulsion reduced" messages.

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