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[Ford Focus 2019/2020 MK4] #64 Brummen / Vibration im Motorraum (+ nachträgliche Lösung von Ford)

[Ford Focus 2019/2020 MK4] #64 Brummen / Vibration im Motorraum (+ nachträgliche Lösung von Ford)

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23 thoughts on “[Ford Focus 2019/2020 MK4] #64 Brummen / Vibration im Motorraum (+ nachträgliche Lösung von Ford)

  1. Das ist ganz witzig. Mein Fiesta MK8 1,0 Ecoboost hat exakt dieses Geräusch auch. Das scheint ja ein allgemeines Problem zu sein. Die Schläuche gehören zum Heizkreislauf und sehen beim Fiesta ganz ähnlich aus. Da ich noch In der 4 Jahres Garantie bin, werde ich das bei meinem FFH mal monieren.
    Wenn Ford das nicht machen sollte, werde ich mir sowas mit dem 3D Drucker selbst basteln

  2. Kupplungsdraht … MK 2.5 aracımda da aynı sorun vardı, bir cırt ile sorun çözüldü… Focus 4 aldım. İkisi de duruyor. Ford Almanya fabrikasında çalışan tüm arkadaşlara selam olsun Trabzon'dan.

  3. Wie immer , mal wieder ein Gutes Video. Ich hoffe es ist ok wenn ich hier mal eine Algemeine Frage stelle . Ich möchte mir entweder unterm Sitz oder im Kofferraum bei mein FF MK4 , einen Separaten Subwoofer einbauen. Bin jedoch maßlos überfragt wie und wo ich da den Sound abgreifen kann ? Wäre für Tips sehr Dankbar…

  4. Dude, you are so good at making these kinds of videos. I watch your channel all the time, you are so good. Everyone subscribe to this channel, it is the best. Dude, even if you are not popular right now, you will be popular really soon. I will help you by subscribing and liking your vids. Dude all I’ve got to say is woooooooooooooooow. You are the beast at this! Also I just started a YouTube channel called (The Code To Cool) and I was wondering if you could help me do better like maybe subscribing. Obviously you don’t have to, but if you want to, that would make my day and if you don’t want to waste your time that’s fine just do you. Thank You for taking time out of your day to read this comment. Keep up the good work!

  5. I have a 2018 1.5 tdci 8 AT ST line HB. This rattle also occurred in my car. It was worse when its cold and I see its 2 degrees when you shot this film. As you said in the video, there is a TSB for this situation service fix those hoses by a clips or tie-wrap something. Mine was fixed no sound from there anymore . But the warm weather could be a contributing factor for my car.
    My biggest sound complaints are 1) rattle from B-pillars. Its a torture for my left ear everytime. I think there is a problem with the window levering mechanism. Because everytime I pull the window raise button, it always goes a couple of milimeters higher. I think ıt can not be fixed at the upper point and it lowers spontaneously. 2) My car has Bang Olufsen sound system. I think front door speakers are not fixed or insulated enough. There is a huge vibrotion and rattle in some songs at higher volumes. My music taste is dying slowly.. 3) Sometimes SYNC 3/park sensor chimes goes dead and a very low sound comes as if speaker got wet . This occurs very rarely

  6. Unrelated question: since you have some experience with Forscan, do you know if it is possible to activate the soundaktor that is heard in models such as the 1.5 EcoBoost 184 and Focus ST?

    Best of luck with your machine!

  7. I am 19 stline owner with 1.5T+ 8AT. I was suffering from a buzzing noise when car is cold,espically cursing on highway and releasing the gas paddel. Sounds from A plier. It turned out to be a faliure design on the trammission emergency release cable. It conducts the vibration from the transmission through the firewall to the cookpit. I fixed the sound it by removing that cable directly.

  8. Mein Benziner hatte das Problem auch. Wo der Clip verbaut worden ist , kann ich nicht sagen. Mein Händler hatte es beim ersten Ölwechsel einfach mit erledigt. Ford, die tun was! Du mit deinen Videos natürlich auch. Weiter so 👍.

  9. Ich habe den selben Motor und hatte das Geräusch auch auf den ersten Kilometer wenn es kalt war. Ford hat es bei mir ebenfalls behoben. Allerdings habe ich diesen Clip bis heute nicht, Ford hat es wohl anders gefixt. Meiner ist BJ November 2019.

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