Opel Ampera road trip – range and gas consumption test 2020 (Vauxhall Ampera, Chevrolet Volt gen 1)
Almost 700km with Opel Ampera (Chevrolet Volt, Vauxhall Ampera) on the road trip. In this video I will show you the range of Electric Car Opel Ampera, fuel consumption and tips and tricks how to maximise the range and minimise the fuel consumption.
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Agrotourism where we at stayed: https://www.facebook.com/karioka.karpniki
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Reducing your speed to about 90km/h will greatly help you, electric motor to be more effective. But in this test, to make real life test we won’t drive as an 80 years old grandpa and will go faster but within speed limits.
The 2nd tip is to use as much recuperation and as little breaks as possible. When you drive on “L” mode and take your foot of the gas pedal the car starts to break and recover energy. It is just about predicting when you will have to slow down and act in advance.
There is one more trick that can highly reduce your gas consumption and most people are not aware of it. When you are going for road trip don’t use all of the battery straight away. Power generator which is a petrol engine works the most effective with constant RPMs, when it doesn’t have to start and stop all the time. So, when you are on the highway save your battery and start the generator and when you are driving in the cities where you will have some traffic lights swap back to full EV mode.
Doing 120km we used 2.8 kWh and 6.4 l of petrol. It gives us an average consumption of 5.3l /100km but not counting EV range it would be almost 6l/100km. It’s quite good, considering I was driving 110km/h on cruise control for most of the time.
After another 48km on local roads we finally got back to the highway. 167km in total and 9l of fuel used. Consumption stays the same, an avg 5.3l and on gas only 6l per 100km.
So far 10km in the city, 92km on highway and 66km on local roads.
After another 30kms on highway we get back to local roads. This is the time when we will have to climb some hills but at the same time will reduce a bit the speed.
So, we finally reached the destination which was Jelenia Góra. 253km in total, 206 on petrol and 47 on the battery. An average consumption 4.6l and gas only consumption 5.6l.
Fortunately, just 800m from the hotel, there was a free city charger, where I connected the following morning. After that I had some business meetings, worked until 3pm and after that we drove to see Chojnik Castle. It took about 40 minutes to climb to the castle, but it was totally worth it. The castle has burnt in 17th century but the remains are impressive and the view from castle’s tower was breathtaking.
This we did over 70km and plugged to charge once again. Jelenia Góra is a perfect place for EV lovers. Although the city is quite small with population below 80k there are many free chargers. Especially appreciated are ones located just by the main square where you can not only charge your car but also park in the city center for free and very convenient.
After walking around beautiful old town of Jelenia Góra we drove to Karpacz to have some walk and see the waterfalls. Unfortunately, the weather was not too good, and we returned to the hotel early and charged the car once again. We did this day another 76km.
The following day we were supposed to go back to Poznań in the evening, so we decided to have some rest and walking on the country side. We went to small village Karpniki to eat lunch in the bar we were few years ago, do some hiking afterwards and go back home.
The place was so calm, food was delicious, and people were so nice that we decided to stay one more night in there as they are offering rooms as well. It is also pet friendly, so our little lion was welcomed as well.
There is plenty of place in the garden, very stylish bar with amazing food and clean but modest rooms. If you want to have some peaceful time I highly recommend this place.
Ok so let’s look at the summary:
1. Total distance: 681km
2. Distance on the battery: 253
3. Energy used: 38.3kWh
4. Avg energy consumption: 15.1kWh / 100km
5. Distance on the petrol: 428km
6. Fuel used: 24.5l
7. Avg consumption: 5.7l /100km
8. Total avg consumption: 3.6l / 100km
Importowane z Youtube Przedmioty które powinny być zauważone przed kupnem samochodu w Warszawie. Zobacz, co nasi mechanicy biorą pod uwagę podczas inspekcji pojazdu.
Szczegóły dotyczące samochodu – Cała dokumentacja sprzedawcy jest sprawdzana, a informacje o samochodzie uzupełnia ekspert.
Stan zdrowia – Nasz ekspert zmierzy grubość lakieru na każdej części karoserii oraz zmierzy odstępy między nowymi a używanymi.
Czy Szkło jest w dobrym stanie. – W ramach kontroli pojazdu sprawdzamy szybę pod kątem uszkodzeń i odnotowujemy datę uszkodzenia.
Warunki oświetleniowe – Oświetlenie pojazdów, w tym reflektory i tylne światła, jest pod naszym ścisłym nadzorem.
Stan kół i opon – Nasz specjalista określa, czy koła i opony mogą być ponownie użyte. Koła i opony to dwie najważniejsze części samochodu.
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Przejedźiemy się samochodem, zrobimy też serię testów – Nasz specjalista przeprowadzi dokładną jazdę próbną, aby upewnić się, że osiągi pojazdu są na najwyższym poziomie.
Kontrola podwozia – Do dokładnego zbadania podwozia wykorzystywana jest niezależna stacja diagnostyczna.
Diagnostyka systemów komputerowych – Do sprawdzenia samochodu zostanie wykorzystany komputerowy test diagnostyczny.
Robienie zdjęć w celu prowadzenia ewidencji – Podczas badania zrobimy wiele zdjęć pojazdu zarówno wewnątrz, jak i na zewnątrz.
Sprawdzone-auto.pl zajmuje się pomocą w sprawdzeniu aut przed zakupem. Zamów opinie i oceny aut. Sprawdzenie auta przed kupnem to pierwsza rzecz, o jakiej powinniśmy pomyśleć, zanim nastawimy się na jazdę nową zdobyczą. Sprawdzanie samochodu z pozoru wydaje prostym tematem ale potrzebny jest mechanik specialista.
Potato potato 🙂
Fajne super pozdrawiam 😀 sposób jazdy ważny by spalić mało…😁👍🏻
Gadasz tak jakbyś miał zasnąć w tym aucie.
Cześć Kamil. Niewiem czy pytanie już gdzieś padło ale jak wygląda zasięg EV lato/zima. W filmikach zazwyczaj masz na baterii koło 44km. Pozdrawiam
W trybie potrzymania zuzywana jest zarówno jest zarówno zgoromadzona energia z baterii a prąd z generatora do zasilania silników? Jak to działa? Chciałbym mniej więcej policzyć jak by wygladala trasa np. 1000km gdzie nie bede mial możliwości ładowania. Mozna to policzyć proporcjonalnie ze te ok 70km polecę z taniego pradu a resztę z paliwa czy jak? Jak dużo pradu podczas takiej trasy po ekspresowkach jesst w stanie samochód odzyskać z hamowan, puszcania gazu etc.
Tomato 🙂
Witam, fajny test. Nie rozumiem tylko średniego całkowitego zużycia na poziomie 3 litrów. Na całość składa się zużycie paliwa 5,7 litra na 100 km oraz zużycie prądu. Daje to wynik znacznie większy od przeciętnego diesla przy szybszej jeździe. Taki samochód jest chyba tylko dobry podczas jazdy koło domu.
Chcę taką kupić. Możesz pomóc?
Paradajz 😆
Hi there, I have a Chevy Volt, my first EV,
I was thinking of having an L.P.G system installed since petrols about to hit 2euro litre. What's your opinion?
Część. Ostatnio mało filmów z ampera posiadasz jeszcze…
Chevrolet Volt i podobne wartości spalania. Kamil, czy nie sądzisz że ten samochód powinien spalać nie więcej niż 3l/100km w trybie hybrydowym ? Przyjmując że zużycie energii w trybie elektrycznym waha się w granicach 15 kwh/100km, to przyjmując że z 1litra paliwa generuje się ok 12-14 kwh energii, to mimo wliczenia strat energii ze sporym zapasem, 3l/100km powinno być jak najbardziej realnym wynikiem. Jak to się ma do deklaracji producenta – 1,2l/100km. Jak myślisz, gdzie popełniono błąd w sztuce?
Cries in dutch fuel and electricity prices
Thanks for this test, this is what I would like to see for every hybrid and electric car.
Hey buddy! i hope you are doing fine. Just subscribed your channel. Honestly i am in love with this car although i don't know how to drive. Hopefully i will get admission in a driving school next year. My plan is as soon as i finish it will go for this car. The country(Portugal) where i am staying at this moment it is very difficult to find a 2ad hand electric car on the contrary if you do found one the price is not cheap. Last time i have seen one worth is about 13990 euros. Maybe in future i need your help. however for the moment i have one question for you and that is " Do you recommend this car to a person who just learn how to drive "? Until our next conversation Have a nice day to you man.
What kind of octane-rating have You been using on the Opel Ampera?
do you recommend buying a used Ampera even though it is not up to date anymore?
I don't know what to thing about energy and fuel consumption… Yesterday I've done 180 km with my Audi A3 224HP. On express road traveled with 120 kmph, on local about 100. I looked on computer display after arrived to destination and got 6.5L average consumption per 100 km. So… I was sure that Ampera should be more efficient in energy/fuel consumption. Hm.
Nice video and glad you climbed to the castle so we could see the view 😆
BTW if you show MPG in small US gallons you should really add show that on your labels.
Z ktoregp roku jest auto i jaki ma przebieg?
Well done ! Thank you
Glad I found your channel. I'm owner of a '13 Chevy Volt with only 52K miles in the US and I recently added a 2020 Bolt EV. I still love my Volt though and hope that my son will be driving it soon. I have been interested in hearing a European view of this great car and so far yours is the best I've found. Keep it going, and thanks.
Thank You very much for all the information. Now I have the guts to buy an Ampera and I can start saving evironment by switching from an big old petrol car to this awesome electric car. I was afraid of faults, but I see now that the few problems that can come are easy to fix.