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Prova Kymco AK550: test ride maxi scooter | ENGLISH SUB

Prova Kymco AK550: test ride maxi scooter | ENGLISH SUB

anteprima AK 550, scheda tecnica e foto: http://bit.ly/2sRI2Ul

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29 thoughts on “Prova Kymco AK550: test ride maxi scooter | ENGLISH SUB

  1. The review is comprehensive and it seems for the most part favourable. I'm sure it's a good bike and one I would consider but like you I have some issues. The screen appears to do a good job but the fact that it is not electrically adjustable while riding is a minus. The Burgman 650 has this feature as does the TMax and the BMW. The idea of a maxi scooter is to go touring. The Kymco has the engine and other features to do that but lowering the screen as I come into a town and raising again once I'm outside the built up area means good air flow at slow speed and good wind protection at high speed. I'm not sure what the purpose of the smart phone app is if it doesn't allow for navigation. When I'm out on the road I don't want to be bothered by phone calls, SMS or notifications – I'm riding to get away from all of that. I do want to use my phone to direct me to a place I haven't been before. I understand all bikes are built to a price and Kymco wants to be competitive. I would consider one if I were looking to replace my Burgman 650 but I feel it would be an inferior bike and I'd probably be willing to pay more for the TMax of the BMW.

  2. sistemi keyless no grazie almeno dare la possibilità di scegliere con chiave classica o sistema keyless, dalla mia hanno perso una vendita dati che il keyless può dare problemi e rimanere a piedi(già successo più volte)

  3. In buona sostanza, visto che sono anni che non seguo più il settore, maxiscooter italiani (Piaggio, Aprilia, Gilera, Malagutti…) non ne fanno più. Restano gli storici t-max, burgman… e soci ma se uno vuol comprare italiano, ciaone?

  4. L'avevo provato a giugno dell'anno scorso e ho apprezzato molto la ciclistica, il vano sotto sella e l'incredibile impianto frenante, inoltre ha un buon angolo di piega(forse migliore dell'ultimo T-max), accelerazione incredibile a mio avviso per essere un maxi scooter, leggermente superiore a T-max ma inferiore a C650 sport. Difetti la strumentazione brutta, inclinata e poco visibile e i due vani nel retroscudo piccoli e scomodi con plastiche cheap. Il prezzo non è poco ma va bene per il prodotto. ps: smettetela di di fare i paragoni con le utilitarie!

  5. It is so much more affordable than the tmax530 and has most of the features. I prefer the look of the ak 550. Much more aggressive than the tmax. Might wait till a mk 2 comes out, second batch of the ak 550 in case there are improvements or kinks worked out of it.

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